Mittwoch, Dezember 11, 2024
E-TROPOLIS Festival 2025

Diorama – Gasoline

Start1.0 Musik1.2 VideosDiorama – Gasoline

short version

taken from the diorama album tiny missing fragments (23.10.2020)

music: torben wendt, felix marc
lyrics: torben wendt, felix marc
guitars: zura nakamura
additional drums: marquess
production and mix: felix marc, torben wendt

mastering: tom meyer / master and servant

camera: (thomas wuhrer)
location scout: felice marcello

everything else: improvisation, dedication, attic, flames and teedoubleyouann. and cheap effects.

cover artwork: user.dx and faizki

Diorama @ Web

Diorama Live

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