Monday, September 16, 2024

Projekt Ich`s musical vernissage

Home1.0 Music1.1 NewsProjekt Ich`s musical vernissage

The music on the EP “Drei Dinge” is Projekt Ich‘s (Ulf Müller) musical implementation of the vernissage’s motto by Gabi Leitner and will be audible in the background for visitors to the vernissage.

Vernissage with the motto:
“There are 3 things that have stayed with us from paradise: the stars of the night, the flowers of the day and the eyes of the children (by Dante Alleghieri)” by the artist Gabi Leitner from Rosenheim in Upper Bavaria.
(Dante Alighieri[1265-1321] [1265–1321] was a poet from Italia)

In 2019, Gabi Leitner creatively interpreted every song from Projekt Ich‘s debut album “By Train Through Countries” as a collage.

Projekt Ich @ Web


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