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Rroyce Interview

Kay, AL and Casi, took time for us and answered a few questions.

Hello, how are you doing so close to the release of your fourth album?

Kay: I am doing well so far. We are in the landing phase and the dispatch of the various articles is imminent. I’m looking forward to it when all the parcels and envelopes can be driven to the post office. But for the time being we still have to pack everything neatly…

AL: Well, you’re always a bit excited whether the album will be well received and so on…

Let’s get right into “Rroarr”. I personally think that the range of your songs has expanded enormously. Was that a planned process?

Kay: We always want to develop further and it was our intention from the beginning to make the new album a bit “heavier”. Nevertheless, as usual, a few songs in the “typical” RROYCE style came out.

AL: Yes, you’re right, the bandwidth has deliberately become broader. Personally, I’m very happy that the guitar sound got a bit more space this time.

What inspires you to new melodies, lyrics?

Casi: “Life itself”. Everyone processes their experiences differently. I’m very lucky that I can let off steam in my lyrics. The lockdown phase has fostered creativity in me quite a bit.

Kay: I can only say something about the melodies: the mood of the day, harmonies and sounds influence this process. Above all, the desire to write new songs influences it.

But I have to admit that it is of course a very emotional thing in front of 1000 people when everyone has their arms up and really goes along with the songs. That’s when I sometimes think: Oh my… what’s going on here…!

You made two pretty elaborate looking videos for the first two singles (Paranoiac SL and Another)? Did you win the lottery or do you sell so many CDs in the meantime?

Casi: Our budget is indeed very tight. So it’s all the nicer to get feedback that it comes across as high-quality. But it is our aim to deliver great results. We see so many low-budget videos, cobbled together without heart and soul, according to the motto “the main thing is that we have visual material”. Not with Rroyce.

Kay: We always have so many ideas and it all only works because we have so many people who want to see these ideas realised just like we do. We invest a lot in our passion, time, money, patience and little sleep are sometimes the order of the day. But it doesn’t work without support and I am very happy and proud to have such lovely people at our side.

AL: Yes, the whole thing was once again very elaborate. But it’s also a lot of fun to do something like this with the other crazy people.

Let’s take a look at the cover. The covers look “harder” and darker than your previous ones. Intentionally? Who is at work here and how did the idea come about? If you hold the covers of the two singles and the album next to each other, it is a very nice looking graphic work.

Casi: In the beginning was the name of the album, so RROARR. It’s also a play on our band name. That’s why we added two “R “s to “roar”. “roar” is aggressive and you find it for example in comics when beasts roar. So we came up with the idea of going animalistic on the cover. That worked out quite well.

AL: The album cover was darker on purpose, of course, to reflect the “hardness”. There are a lot of considerations and designs in the run-up. This time, our ideas were again super implemented by Alexander Fröbel from Pixelbreed. And the covers of the singles should of course fit the theme and complement the album cover.

You have now played your first live shows after the forced Corona break. How was it?

Casi: Simply bombastic. An emotional overdose of positive feelings.

Kay: They were moving moments for me. To finally be surrounded by music, bands and people who love to party was a real blessing. Meeting new people was also an experience that I have missed a lot in the last few years.

AL: The whole thing felt a bit strange and unfamiliar at the beginning. But after the first few minutes, it was quickly back to normal. I’m so glad that everything is now possible again (almost) without restrictions. Let’s remain optimistic that it will stay that way for the coming autumn. In any case, it’s mega cool to be on stage again after all this time.

Festival or club gig? Which do you like better? Or is there no difference for you?

Casi: A club gig is even more intimate, more direct. I like that very, very much. But what can beat a festival when you get to stand on stage in front of over 2,000 people, like at the Amphi the other day? It’s sheer madness.

Kay: Both “venues” have their own charm and are wonderful in their own right. I like playing clubs as well as festivals. At festivals I especially love the summer evening air when it’s an open air.

AL: For me, it hardly makes a difference on stage. We always want to give 110 per cent. It doesn’t matter if there are 100 or 1000 people in front of the stage. But I have to admit that in front of 1000 people it is of course a very emotional thing when everyone has their arms up and really goes along with the songs. I sometimes think: Oh my… what’s going on here…?! Really? It’s hard to put something like that into words.

You’re going live in September, on your first headlining tour? Are you satisfied with the advance sales? Unfortunately, more and more bands (from all musical genres) have to cancel individual concerts or even the whole tour.

Casi: Let’s be honest: when the tour was planned and put together, there was a different mood than now. It was euphoric and positive. But at the moment everyone has their own individual economic worries. Consumer behaviour has changed a lot. Money is no longer so loose. We feel this extremely.

Kay: I’m happy for all those who bought a ticket – but honestly, it could and must go even better.

AL: We understand the worries and the circumstances that pre-sales are so slow, unfortunately for all bands by now. But we also need some planning security and hope that the advance sales will be a bit better.

For the new album “Rroarr” you have separated from your label and are now doing everything yourselves again, as you did in the beginning. What were your motives?

Kay: We wanted to give it a try.

AL: The label did a great job. But it was time to change something again.

How well do you handle criticism?

Kay: Criticism is important. But what matters to me is how and above all with what intention criticism is expressed. I see criticism as a kind of gift – I can then decide whether to accept it or not.

AL: Yes, criticism is always a good thing if it is well-founded and justified. People who just hate and despise you out of personal dislike are insignificant. If I don’t like something, then I just don’t listen to it.

Casi: Criticism is part of it. Also to question oneself, as an impetus for possible improvements.

And how do you resolve disagreements within the band?

Kay: Snap, snap, snap! It’s a discussion process and compromises are made that all three of us can live with. Of course, sometimes one or the other is stubborn (i.e. me) or annoyed by the discussions, but it’s always worth it so that everyone remains on an equal footing as far as possible. And the result is: There is no CHIEF or better three bosses in RROYCE. Everyone steps back for the band once in a while and always sees the “good” of the band – that is very valuable!

AL: ..and what can’t be solved this way is then settled with fists….no, nonsense of course…we sometimes already discuss a lot and very “intensively” … but so far we have always come to an agreement.

Casi: Amen!

Is there a point in the band’s history where, in retrospect, you would say “we should have done that better not or differently?”

Kay: No, that’s not to say we’ve always done everything right or made the right decisions. But in my opinion, every event, every cooperation, every decision is an important piece of the mosaic without which we would not be where we are today.  You don’t just need good results, you also need others to be able to develop. It is important to learn from the not-so-good points and to keep at it in order to do better.

AL: We are exactly where we want to be. You are always at the point that fate has in store. Maybe we could have made one or two decisions differently, but there is nothing to regret so far.

Casi: It’s always good to look forward. If you live in the past and regret, it inhibits you for future projects.

Which band or song really knocked your socks off last time?

Kay: Oh… Madis and Mesh.

AL: I thought Grade2 were really cool on the last tour. The three guys have such enormous power on stage.

Casi: Within the scene, Mesh is already very impressive “live”. But for me, Chris Corner and his project IAMX remain the ultimate.

Thank you for your time, the last word is yours!

Kay: thank you very much and I hope to see you all on our tour!

AL: Thank you to everyone out there who supports us. Without you we wouldn’t be where we are.

Casi: …the common path is far from over.

Rroyce @ Web

Rroyce Live

Current Month

December 2024

20dec(dec 20)05:0024(dec 24)23:00RroyceGermany, DortmundArtistRroyce

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