Thursday, September 19, 2024

New album by Science O.C.N.

Home1.0 Music1.1 NewsNew album by Science O.C.N.

Science O.C.N. has recently launched their seventh album of the second cycle, showcasing a partnership with TJ on three compositions. The album provides a broad spectrum of music, from serene ambient beats to instrumental pop tunes reminiscent of Tangerine Dream, Jarre or Vangelis.

The music explores the concept of mirror neurons, delving into how these neural pathways play a role in empathy, social interaction, and understanding the emotions of others.

Each track is carefully crafted to resonate with the listener on a deeper level, tapping into the mirror neuron system to create a sense of emotional resonance and connection. So just “Connect!” now.
Science O.C.N. is a side-project of Conscience.

Die offizielle Veröffentlichung auf allen Plattformen wird am 20. September sein.

Science O.C.N. @ Web


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