Freitag, Oktober 18, 2024

The Roop – UFO (feat. Migloko)

Start1.0 Musik1.2 VideosThe Roop - UFO (feat. Migloko)

Migloko, who always stands out for her vibrant appearance, says that “UFO” is exactly about people that live and think differently from what is considered common. “This is a song about being yourself even though you are a little strange, about self acceptance. Being different is wonderful and interesting. People finally feel free and this makes you feel happy,” – she rejoices.

Vaidotas is sure that every person is brilliant and attractive, but most are still afraid to show it. “This is exactly the fear and escape from it that we talk about in the “UFO” video, – he says. – We show how we look at ourselves, get used to ourselves until we finally enter the world brave, self confident, and most importantly the way we actually are – without masks or attempts to fit in. It is amazing how perfectly director Laura Kazbaraitė understood the idea and managed to complement it.” The director confessed that it was one of the most creative and active projects she directed recently. “I am happy to have had the possibility to collaborate with such artistic, open and authentic singers like Vaidotas and Migloko. I hope that this summer song and an unconventional video will encourage viewers to be braver expressing themselves and free themselves from any social or emotional constrains,” – says Laura Kazbaraitė. Just like the new song, the whole fresh EP from “The Roop” – “Yes, I Do” – is about light, positivity and trust in oneself. The album is streaming on all major platforms, and the physical CD can be acquired on the band’s website or at concerts


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