Samstag, Juli 27, 2024

¡-PAHL-! – Telos (#Kampf)

Start1.0 Musik1.2 Videos¡-PAHL-! - Telos (#Kampf)

What does it do to a song if you change… the colour? ¡-PAHL-! reaches his BLUE PERIOD on 21 October . Second official video for the video single „Telos“ of the German epic industrial music & art project ¡-PAHL-!. This version is called #kampf and is intended to be a more rhythmic and driving beat track for club and live. Music by Olaf Parusel Lyrics and production by Leonardo von Leibnitz Vocals by Peter Hardlab Mastered by Neil Pickles @NeilRevealSound Video by Tim von Tonberg

¡-PAHL-! @ Web

¡-PAHL-! Live

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