Freitag, Januar 31, 2025

Amphi Festival 2023

29JulGanztägig30Amphi Festival 2023KölnArtistA Life Divided,Actors,Blitz Union,Calva Y Nada,Centhron,Clan Of Xymox,Combichrist,Coppelius,Covenant,Das Ich,Deine Lakaien,Diorama,Fix8:Sed8,Front 242,Future Lied To Us,L’Âme Immortelle,Lebanon Hanover,Lord of the Lost,NNHMN,Oberer Totpunkt,OMD,Potochkine,Qntal,Rabengott,Rue Oberkampf,Scarlet Dorn,Schöngeist,Selofan,Solitary Experiments,Synthattack,Traitrs,Unzucht,Vanguard,Welle:Erdball,Wesselsky,Whispering Sons,Whispers In The Shadow,Wiegand,XotoX,Zeraphine

Event Details

Live On Stage

OMD * Deine Lakaien * Front 242 * Covenant * Lord Of The Lost * Combichrist (Oldschool Set) *
Zeromancer Das Ich * Welle:Erdball * Zeraphine * Actors * Unzucht *
Diorama * L’Âme Immortelle * Calva Y Nada * Lebanon Hanover * Coppelius *
Solitary Experiments * Wesselsky * Qntal * Clan Of Xymox * Centhron * Nnhmn *
Rue Oberkampf * Whispering Sons * Future Lied To Us * Selofan *
Scarlet Dorn * A Life Divided * Traitrs * Whispers In The Shadow * The Joke Jay Wiegand*
Fix8:Sed8 * Potochkine * Vanguard * Schöngeist * Xotox * Oberer Totpunkt * Rabengott * Blitz Union * Kite * S.P.O.C.K * SynthAttack

+ viele weitere Bands + Rahmenprgramm in Vorbereitung!



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