Freitag, Oktober 18, 2024
E-TROPOLIS Festival 2025

Dead Lights – When The Lights Come Down (Feat. Marc Massive)

Start1.0 Musik1.2 VideosDead Lights – When The Lights Come Down (Feat. Marc Massive)

Featuring guest vocals by Massive Ego front man Marc Massive, Dead Lights present another synthpop banger. Fame. The addiction to adulation, praise, and success. The folly of chasing it, chasing the highs, at any cost; even being willing to sacrifice the integrity of your art and your person in its pursuit. And, of course, the inevitable pitfalls of attaching your sense of self worth to the fleeting attention of others. ‘When the Lights Come Down‘ reflects on the realisation that this is utterly fruitless, and the emptiness it can leave after abandoning anything of worth in the pursuit of “more”. We are very proud that Marc Massive (Massive Ego) generously contributed his beautiful voice on our new single! What makes it extra special is the fact that it was at a Massive Ego -hosted festival in London (by Synthetic City) that Saul and Richard first met. A year before the start of DEAD LIGHTS. They both performed there with their other bands, unaware of the shared future ahead. Another chance encounter that had big consequences. Do you believe in fate?

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